Join us!

The LOC Lab is expanding! We are recruiting motivated individuals who are ready to tackle the important challenges we face as a society related to climate change and the corresponding impacts on ecosystems. We seek individuals who care deeply about our natural world and the diversity of people who depend on it. Individuals from historically excluded groups are encouraged to apply.

Who should apply?

Interested in how climate change is shifting disturbance patterns and the corresponding impacts on forests and terrestrial ecosystems? Do you want to learn novel analytical and data science tools? Are you interested in synthesis research? Then you should apply!

How? Follow three simple steps:

  1. Email Joan Dudney:; here’s a great guide about how to email PIs.

  2. Include your CV, a recent NSF if you applied, and why you think the LOC Lab is a good fit.

  3. I am recruiting students through the Bren School; apply by December 15.

Graduate students


I am seeking postdocs who want to be part of a collaborative, inclusive, and just lab environment. I’m currently focused on larger tree-ring analyses, synthesis-based projects, and field-based projects investigating climate change effects on tree disease and bark beetles. Individuals with strong analytical and data science backgrounds on topics related to forest and community ecology are encouraged to apply.

Contact me to discuss project ideas:

  1. Email:

  2. Include your CV, a recent publication, and why you think the LOC Lab is a good fit.